Burn NFT
Our Genesis NFT & CryptoGrow Pod pre-order slip. Minting soon, so join our premint!
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Our Genesis NFT & CryptoGrow Pod pre-order slip. Minting soon, so join our premint!
Last updated
Our Burn NFT Art presents the world's highest quality 3D cannabis rendering, hand-crafted from the trichomes up and presenting across four fundamental forces...
Click here to get in line for our public minting phase!
The CryptoGrow Burn NFT is, first and foremost, a supply chain management tool.
Capitalizing on blockchain technology's innate digital ID and tracking strengths, this NFT ensures the pre-order, redemption, manufacturing, and delivery process is seamless from start to finish.
Those that mint a Burn NFT in our public or private minting phases are effectively pre-ordering our genesis product, the CryptoGrow Pod!
After mint, our Burn NFT will be available on secondary markets just like the typical NFT. Here, CryptoGrow plans to levy 7.5% royalties fee:
3% will be used to back OPEX (see Tokenomics to read more),
2.5% will go directly to the Community Treasury
2% will be earmarked for marketing, further supporting our growing community.